Thursday, April 3, 2008

Beating All Odds : CDSS Alumni Day

As part of the school's 40th Anniversary celebrations, it is organising the CDSS Alumni Day on Sat 24 May 2008 in CDSS school hall from 10 am to 12.30 pm.

The theme for the CDSS Alumni Day is Beating All Odds.The tentative programme is as follows:

> Welcoming Speech by School Principal Mr Teoh Teik Hoe

> Speakers:
Our Alumni Mr Chiang Sing Jeong
Managing Director
Sentosa Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom

Our Alumni Mr Vincent Woon
Contract Manager
KBR Company

> Updating of Alumni Activities by Alumni Advisor Mr Lee Han Kiat

> Interaction Among Alumni Members (Drinks sponsored by our school canteen vendor Mr Ho)

> Soccer Matches

Please help to pass the word round and promote this activity.

Those interested to attend please contact Mr Lee Han Kiat as follows: +65 67693810 (Home), + 65 98985236 (SMS).

Onward Chestnut Drive !!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We have moved the blogsite to a new address...

click on the address for the new site : -->

Florence will advise all via email on the new blog's username and password to allow you to make posting of your pictures, clips and reflections.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Can you recognise them?

Kamail requested that I posted these fotos for your viewing pleasure and identification...

Identify ALL the blokes in the fotos above, and send them in as "Comments". The first person to correctly identiify all our former schoolmates will receive a week's supply of Zam Zam Nasi Bryani courtesy of Kamail...of course! So hurry. Closing date : 2 Oct, 2007.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Florence the self-styled "bo-chap" Queen's blog...and varia

Florence kindly submitted her blog-site titled CDSSians Unite. Happily, I have included it in the "useful links" section for you cruisin' and surfin'... to stay united.

You would have also noticed that a provocative photo of a Nuttie was posted yesterday (see right side). Believe me, she is the mystery girl from our class year who stumbled upon the blog and gleefully wrote to me about it. It took a while for me to register who she was, but I now know. Also, she gamely submitted a photo of herself for identification. A fantastic prize awaits the first correct answer...and YES, she will grace the occasion on 27 Oct, 2007, where all will be revealed (about her identify, lah!)

We await mug-shots and video-clips containing you in it to be sent to us for up-loading onto the blog for all our musing. "So hurry up, lah! Waiting for what!!"

Before you leave the blog, take a good look again at the photo, and "use your blain, use your blain, use your blain" --quote courtesy of PCK--for the obvious clues and giveaways. Also, don't forget to visit Florence's blog.

Have a great weekend ahead.